The Lost

The Lost is a collection of portraits by Robert Chandler (100rdc), a deeply religious painter and photographer:

«For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost» Luke 19:10.

«As a fully committed Christian, my mission in life, is to save the lost. I was born a Jew. I have worked with the homeless, for many years».

«People are lost, and need saving. I seek and socially interact, with them. I talk to the people I photograph. I listen, and I care».

«We always end up talking about God. All creativity, I believe, comes from God».

All photographs in this gallery are protected by copyright, © all rights reserved by Robert Chandler, and thus may not be downloaded, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any mean without the photographer's express written permission.


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John,The Man.
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I can't see him
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Who am I ?
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The deceiver
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Where ?
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Its not me
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I'm not sure
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I'm reading a Book
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I need him
comment on Flickr <© 2022-2024 Robert Chandler> thelost All Rights Reserved
Please come
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I'm not sure
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I am
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I hope
comment on Flickr <© 2022-2024 Robert Chandler> thelost All Rights Reserved